I hope that you are all preparing to love on and enjoy your friends and family during this holiday season. Thanks to my wonderful son and his wife, my third book has been released it is called: The Girl Without Shoes . It can be purchased on Amazon Kindle for ebooks, also paperback is available on Amazon. It is also available on Barnes and Noble Nook, paperback is also there, and Apple ibooks, paperback will be available there as well. Keep watch of this website as my new book will also be featured on this website for purchase, after the book is added. For now anyone who may have been interested may purchase it from any of the sites named in this post. This would be a stocking stuffer for someone you may know . I pray that you all have a wonderful holiday and remember the reason for the season is the Son who God sent, who is love on this earth and embrace those around you with the love that Jesus gives to us everyday. Much love to all!!!!!Merry Christmas!