Quote from Martin Luther King: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Light comes from creation and love, not destruction and hate.”

At Christmas we celebrate God’s greatest gift of love to the world. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ into the world to be born in flesh, God incarnate as a man. A Savior is born to bring light, love and salvation to this world. We, as mere mortals are not capable of creating that light in and of ourselves, this had been proven throughout history. So, God saw that we needed a Savior to change the dark areas in all of our lives. Jesus gives us the power, strength and stability to show light to others and His sacrifice for us all gave us the chance to start again, by accepting Jesus as Savior -we may have eternal life. Not just that -but that we may bring the light and truth of Christ to others so they may have another chance to shine the Light of Jesus to the world.
Isaiah 9:6,7 “A child has been born for us. We have been given a Son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. His power will never end; peace will last forever. He will rule David’s kingdom and make it grow strong. he will always rule with honesty and justice. The Lord All-powerful will make certain that all of this is done.” These words were prophesied 700 years before our Savior was born.
I am so thankful that He showed me the path to truth, life, and light.
Cry out to Him this Christmas season, give Him all your burdens, surrender all the things that you have done wrong, let Him give you a second chance to His light, and eternal life by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that gift, is the greatest gift of all.
Merry Christmas and many blessings to all of you!