Hope literally means to have a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, grounds for believing that something good may happen. A sense or a feeling of trust. In this uncertain world , each one of us looks daily for this sense of expectation, or trust that something good is going to come our way, if we do not ever expect anything , our lives may feel empty. Everyone of us have different ways or means whereby we may fill our void of expectation, responsibilities at work, expectations from others in our lives, business as usual with everyday life, sharing with friends, loved ones, filling that space of hope. It’s all useful, rewarding at times , yet some people may find themselves unable to hope even given all the methods to fill the void of expectation. Lonely in a room full of friends or a place full of responsibilities. Today I awoke saying to myself , “It’s a beautiful day to hope!”I believe we choose daily to hope , choose daily to have an expectation that something good may come our way, choose daily to trust in a better way , it’s a choice that we make daily.Hope is our daily lifeline, we may choose to say “this is a day I choose to hope,” or “I choose to have no expectations at all, no hope at all.” Granted we all continue to be uncertain about the outcome of each choice, but I believe looking to hope daily will help us to continue to reach out and receive all that life has to offer. This is a beautiful day for me to hope-of course the choice is yours.
You’re sweet ๐๐๐ gentle and kind.
Love always and forever Liana Soler