
Transition brings the Unknown

The journey that we are all on, takes us almost daily to a place- where we run into a door that we are not familiar with. Should we proceed through the door or should we knock first to see if someone will grant us a warning, a welcome, a greeting? Things that are unknown to us may cause us to second-guess ourselves, we need to evaluate the scene, before we proceed. Some life transitions are without warning, welcome or declaration of where we are and ,where we are going; and some are predicted by the information given with what’s going on, ie, a new job, a new relationship, etc. Even though the change is before us , we know about it, there are still unknown factors. Embrace the change, be willing to go where you need to go in order to grow. When my heart fails me, and my self assurance is weak, I choose to trust that God has my hand and there is a light behind the door that He is walking me through.

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