I am so excited about being alive at such a time as this!!! The world is at all of our fingertips-I mean this in every sense, that is of course, unless you live in a third world nation or worse! We are able to see sites in every part of the world without even traveling there!
I once met a couple who lived deep in the hills of West Virginia who made the claim that they had never traveled away from their property…in all the years that they had lived there. Imagine… never even going to a store. I asked if they needed things , how did they get what they needed? They said that their neighbors brought them supplies now and again. I said to them.. “Don’t you even wonder what is out there… that you have never seen?” I cast an inquisitive stare at the two old folks…(their mountain hats tarnished by the elements); the old man put his arm around his wife and said, “Why do I need to go anywhere, when I got all that I need right’ ‘chere”….I was left thinking….you know we can go everywhere, see everything and still ask ourselves…”Am I missing something?”