People need a permit in New York to get a pistol and we all know that it is illegal to drive a car without a drivers license (or permit) which requires a test to ensure roadworthy skills. When we go to the altar to get married to our future mate we need a license … to marry. It boggles my mind how anyone, anywhere without any restriction can be a parent, whether in your right mind , emotional setting or bedlam. Funny- how parents who are opting to adopt undergo intense scrutiny yet “the parents of a child” are not given the same scrutiny whatsoever.. of course unless brought to the attention of family court…or parties involved make a complaint. Yesterday…a three month old child was shot and killed by his father…this was a domestic violence situation. This is insanity. It has been said …”if she is being beaten she must deserve it, she must like it”, the mindless comments go on and on. No one deserves to be beaten, ridiculed, mocked, belittled,emotionally tortured or imprisoned in their own home. My heart goes out to the poor mother of this child -it was not her fault-she was trying to end a nightmare in her home…domestic violence. This poor, sweet angel was just relying on his parents to nurture and take care of him, trusting them to love him unconditionally. The fact that children go through the tyranny that they do… when living in domestic violence- was just brought to the forefront by this helpless, tiny, martyr. Bless this family , O God.
Marge – – This issue is close to my heart. Thank you for addressing it. There are so many families/parents from whom children need to be protected, and yet our hands are tied in so many instances. (more coming)
I first became aware of this when my daughter was doing her student teaching in Syracuse – – the stories she came home with were shocking to me, her naive mom.
(more coming)
For the last two + years myson, a detective with the Rome PD has worked as an Investigator with the Child Advocacy Center. Though he has never spoken of his cases, I know they are numerous and constant, which breaks my heart.
This site is beautiful, Marge. Thanks for directing me to it. God bless, Ellie
Marge –
I know my mom told you the news but I have spoken with one of the profs. here and he directed me to get together all the information and meet with him in August he wants to make a domestic violence symposeum the project for the psychology club. If you know of anyone else that may be an appropriate speaker for this event please let me know – I am specifically interested in find someone who can speak about the children involved in domestic violence situations and the impact it has on them. Thank you!
Megan, Congrats-you are the tenth entry which means that you win a copy of Choose Well!!! I hope that you do still want me to speak, I will do what I can to check on child specialties person . I do touch on the topic in my speak and have spoken in schools. Will see what else I can find. Privately send me your address so that you can get your copy of Choose Well.Blessings