Motives of Heart

“Keep looking straight ahead, without turning aside. Know where you are headed, and you will stay on solid ground. Don’t make a mistake by turning to the right or the left.” Proverbs 4:25-27

As we embark on a New Year, a new season of life- let’s forever be seeking Christ, keeping our eyes fixed on Him and His will and promises for our lives. There are those who will not have the opportunity to wake up to a new day. Each new day is a divine gift, make no mistake- that if we are still here on this earth, God has something more for us to do. Our goal is to fix our eyes on Him, so we do not miss the path that leads to life. (Proverbs 5:1-6) This scripture refers to being deceived by immorality. Throughout the Bible there are so many directives that clearly tells us what to do and clearly, what not to do.

There are however, many distractions out there, like this one in Proverbs 5:1-6, (read it) that will woo us off the path that God wants us to travel down. These words I am writing as a guidance not legalism. Legalism exists when people attempt to secure righteousness in God’s sight by good works. We are not able to earn or merit God’s approval. We already have His approval because of what Christ Has done for us!

God has given us all free will to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, so that much Glory goes to Him, and so to save our lives from paths of destruction. Things in this world come along to pull our direction to the right or to the left. I have learned that our hearts are important to guard. ( Proverbs 4:23) As we work for the Lord, we need to always do what we do for our Lord, not for churches, not for man, but purely for the Lord. There will be times that God will tell you to do a specific thing for the Church that you are attending. His word tells us to freely serve others in the house of God. It’s very important to ask God first and God will send someone from the church ministry to ask you to do just what the Lord has asked you to do, it’s called a confirmation. Learn to keep your heart guarded so that we do not stray away from what God really wants you to do. Over the years, I have watched so many young ones crash and burn, due to burn out. They are asked to do things and think that they have to always say yes. Boundaries teaches us that we need to always ask God first, then receive confirmation that we are, in fact in His will on the matter. We are able to do whatever God wants us to do when He has ordained for you to do it, He sends His help on the issue. Boundaries also tells us to set a safe space around who we are and not be swayed by man. Young ones have come to me for counsel and I always ask them, “What is your motive?” “Why are you doing this?”

Did God ask you to do it? Often, they are not able to answer the question. If God told you to do this, He will help you if that is the case. If your motive for doing it, is to receive popularity, kudos for a position, or any of your own selfish desires. It’s possible you may be a candidate that will crash and burn. God wants us to have willing hearts to do His will, not man’s will, so we always need to evaluate the motives of our hearts. What if we are tied up with a man-made busy job, while God is calling you to be in a completely different place doing something different? Only God has our whole plan before Him. That is why our heart’s focus needs to be on Him and to hear His voice. I had to learn this the hard way. When we love- we love because God tells us to, though it is not always easy. When we forgive, we do it because God tells us to, again we choose to forgive, pray for those who have hurt us. We as a church find ourselves working hard, butting heads, building offenses while doing things that God has not even told us to do. There may be moments where we as a body fill in gaps, but we need to guard our hearts and remain in prayer, until God releases the person who is supposed to do the job. James 4:3 ” You ask and do not receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your own pleasures.” Our heart motives are best to be, please find me in obedience to your will and your ways and “Your ways are passed our finding out” (Roman’s 11:33). The only things that we can know for sure are those things that He has seen fit to reveal to us. (Deut.9:29) True faith takes God at His word, believing that He will work all things out according to His perfect wisdom, justice and loving kindness. (Lordletmegrow)

To help us stay on track we need to stand guard over the motives of our hearts to ensure that we are not deceived to go astray. If you have never asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, no better time but the present.

Pray with me, Lord I am a sinner and I pray that you will forgive me of my wrong doings, come into my heart, be my Lord and help me through my life, send me Your Holy Spirit to comfort and guide me and I am so thankful for your love because I believe that Jesus died for me, rose from the grave, so I may have eternal life!

motives of heart

Light Shines

Quote from Martin Luther King: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Light comes from creation and love, not destruction and hate.”

light in the darkness
Give Light

At Christmas we celebrate God’s greatest gift of love to the world. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ into the world to be born in flesh, God incarnate as a man. A Savior is born to bring light, love and salvation to this world. We, as mere mortals are not capable of creating that light in and of ourselves, this had been proven throughout history. So, God saw that we needed a Savior to change the dark areas in all of our lives. Jesus gives us the power, strength and stability to show light to others and His sacrifice for us all gave us the chance to start again, by accepting Jesus as Savior -we may have eternal life. Not just that -but that we may bring the light and truth of Christ to others so they may have another chance to shine the Light of Jesus to the world.

Isaiah 9:6,7 “A child has been born for us. We have been given a Son who will be our ruler. His names will be Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. His power will never end; peace will last forever. He will rule David’s kingdom and make it grow strong. he will always rule with honesty and justice. The Lord All-powerful will make certain that all of this is done.” These words were prophesied 700 years before our Savior was born.

I am so thankful that He showed me the path to truth, life, and light.

Cry out to Him this Christmas season, give Him all your burdens, surrender all the things that you have done wrong, let Him give you a second chance to His light, and eternal life by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that gift, is the greatest gift of all.

Merry Christmas and many blessings to all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for, don’t we?

“Oh that I could bottle fall

And make the magic last

Too rapidly the colors fade

The leaves depart so fast

But then, the winter snows will come

And afterward, the green

And so I’ll treasure every step

And each breath in- between.”

By Laura Jaworski

To all my friends and family cherish each breath and every step! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving remember all those benefits that the Lord has done for you. We are blessed!!

Love, Margaret Marie


C.S. Lewis quoted: “Be thankful for difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.”

Lamp unto my feet

When I was in kindergarten, my principal called me into the office to see her. Her name was Miss Crane. I was concerned, as I was sure that I was in a heap of trouble. To my surprise she handed me a pad of paper and a pencil, remembering back, both seemed very large to me. Then again, I was very small.

She proceeded to tell me to be aware of thoughts that come to mind, and to be sure to write those thoughts down in this pad. She said I believe that you are going to be a writer someday. Miss Crane very confidently said, poems, plays, books. I believe that you have a gift to write. I wish I could say that I was excited, directed, or even happy to hear this news. At the ripe age of 5, I sat relieved that I was not in any trouble and sat groveling with the idea that I did not yet know how to write the word, Margaret.

As time went on, I became more and more thankful, I never forgot these words of encouragement that she had given me that day. By 3rd grade I had written several poems, had one published and wrote the 6th grade play that our class performed for families of our class, many plays since then. I wrote for the local newspaper, published 3 books, went on to write my whole life.

This road to fulfill what I had been told I would do, did not come easy, as C.S. Lewis stated, many lessons I learned through trials and tribulations in my life.

When we are thankful for all that we have learned through our trials, we may embrace the gifts that He has given us. Usually -so that we may touch the lives of someone else.

A gift to write lives on forever, people are able to read thousands of years after you have written a message, long after you are gone. What a treasure, to continue to encourage, entertain, and direct another needy life, long after you have finished your race! Our message lives on forever, like the gospel message, written thousands of years ago. People today are still being refreshed, renewed, saved and delivered, long after the inspired writers have gone.

I am especially thankful this season for that message of the gospel, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit.I am also thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for each one of us, He chose to sacrifice His life, die in our place, then beat death by rising again to the Father. He is a risen, living Savior. I am so thankful that my soul can live on forever, just like my writing. I thank God for the gift of eternal life!

Be Empowered

Keep God’s Dreams for You

Autumn-my favorite time of year!

When we are young, we have dreams that we will be a singer, a writer, or whatever our dreams may be. Then we meet someone, fall in love and if we have not asked God first, may end up with a partner who is not united with our dreams, let’s face it, that may happen even if we have asked God. We do not always hear His direction clearly or obey His direction. God says in His word not to be unequally yoked to a partner, 2 Corinthians 6:14 and it is referring to someone who does not believe the same as you do, also in Amos 3:3: “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet.” Partners should share the destiny that God has for both of them. The ideal is that we come together because God has matched us up with someone. This is best to be covered in prayer well in advance. Even if partners are meant to be together , the road may still be rough. Only God can make those roads straight. So we need to put Him first in all relationships. When some partners try to overrule or use an abuse of power over the other partner, it becomes a destiny robbing, atmosphere, dreams may be torn down, partners become powerless. One person is trying to misuse that power at the expense of their partner and it becomes a terrible misrule in those situations. It is a toxic, traumatic atmosphere. People thought they were in love, yet they are being hurt by the one they pledged their life and loyalty to. Some people may be healed with lots of help, but the abused partner should never stay in that environment while the healing is taking place, it is not safe. 

If there is anyone out there who may be in a situation where you no longer feel safe because you are being mistreated by your partner, there is help out there for you. First, God sees everything and He wants you to fulfill your destiny and your dreams that He has given you! You are not alone! 

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