C.S. Lewis quote: “It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly right harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
I have discovered in my life that life has ways of nudging us toward our next steps because we become too comfortable where we are and it may hinder our growth. I was just reading this week the story of a young man who was 40 years old, he ran into a little girl who was crying. When he asked why she was crying she said that she had lost her doll. He was never married, nor did he have any children of his own and it became his plight for the next few months to relieve this girl’s pain about the loss of the doll. He made it look like the doll was traveling far away and he began to send notes to the girl from various destinations from the doll. The notes would keep her aware of what the doll was doing etc. Then one day the man saw the girl again, this time he had brought her a new doll. Though the girl was very happy to have this doll, she quickly said, this is not the same doll. With this the man said, that the places she had been made her change the way she looked. The girl embraced the doll like it was her new friend. The man died the next year. The girl grew up and one day discovered that inside the doll was another note, it read: ” Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return another way.” Embrace change, it’s inevitable for growth. Together we can shift pain into wonder and love, but it is up to us to consciously and intentionally create that connection. Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
I know myself, I needed help to create this connection. Life sometimes hands us pain and disappointments-of course many other good things as well. Pain may take us way off course and even cause us to resist change because of fear. Asking Jesus into my heart has caused me to have that creative connection, to trust Him -that it’s good to grow and most necessary to change so that growth may happen. Jesus wants to adopt you as His sons and daughters, He died for every one of us and rose again so that our lives could be changed for evermore, reach out to Him today, let Him help you to change.