How can we sense being new when we are frozen ?
There are events that happen to all of us that may leave us in a state of immobility. Some may call it being “stuck, or frozen”. There are jobs for you to do, responsibilities staring you in the face, an unfinished book, a family- when we are in this place it’s very difficult to embark on any new plans or programs because the only thing stuck people are able to undertake are those things that you can do in your sleep they are so automatic to daily living. We sometimes feel like we are suffocating with stress to think of trying to fit any other “new thing” into our lives. As we begin to heal { timing is different for everyone} through this process we begin to see layers of pain peel off, ever so slowly. The pain is sometimes so hard to live with that some people turn to drugs or alcohol or various other addictions. This only buries the pain deeper inside of us , and causes a much longer recovery.
Now sudden losses, death in the family , sexual abuse, abuse, divorce, trauma of any kind can send us to a place of {frozen}. It has been referred to at times as dissociation- especially if the trauma has effected the victim very deeply, this is seen a lot with death of immediate close knit family members, Then we take the time that we need to grieve all pain, grieve all losses and daily process the letting go , sometimes this process goes on for months, sometimes years.
I am so thankful that I made the choice to allow Jesus to come into my life , to help me to let go of all unforgiveness, to allow Him to live deep inside of my heart. He helped me to heal of all the pain of abuse and brokenness and He made all things new. His strength is made stronger through our weaknesses, if we choose to come and give it all to Him.
Matthew 11:28-29 Says:” Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Give the burdens to Jesus and He will make all things new!
Revelation 21:1-6,,,,,,,and He who sat upon the throne said to me:
“Behold I make all things new.”